Thursday, August 6, 2009

Invading the Space of the Little Blue Penguins

My apologies for the sideways-ness, but I thought the Little Blue Penguins, native to NZ, would be worth it as they are super cute.


laura said...

cute, where can I get one?

Diana said...

Well, I can bring back their DNA in small vials disguised as a shaving cream bottle and we can breed them freely on a deserted island.

laura said...

that's a great idea - I hear there are a bunch of islands like that in the bahamas. penguin park! what could go wrong?!

ashbecashing said...

Nothing could go wrong!!!

Travis said...

Not a single thing!!!!!!!

Diana said...


TELL YA WHAT said...

let's do it! cue- john williams theme from jurassic park.

Diana said...

Who said anything about Jurassic Park?