Monday, January 26, 2009


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We found a home! After an arduous search across town, in which we looked at several dirty and depressing rooms in shared houses, Travis and I broke down and popped for our own furnished one bedroom. We really scored with the location and the 1920s building (though we were heavily warned against older buildings which lack insulation--a must for normal people in this snowy city). But my dedication to pretty things prevailed. Anyway, we have a fire place and two electric heaters. Plus, there is a mini second bedroom with which you will comfortably stay in when you come to visit. Hopefully, we can get a virtual tour posted sometime soon. Also, we have a ton of footage from the North Island and the northern part of the South Island (including a two-day sea kayaking trip) that needs to be compiled. Perhaps I will lock Travis in the closet with nothing but a single sock, his editing equipment, and three rice-crackers and see what that does to the vlog turnover rate.

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