Sunday, June 7, 2009


Finally. At the top of what the locals charmingly refer to as Mt. Slhut (emphasis on the lh sound as if the dingo just took your baby) we enjoy the first tracks of the season. Diana shredded face as did I. America was well represented.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

New Zealand, isn't it just gorgeous.

Publish Post

Picturesque New Zealand

As of June

Life is still good for me and Travis. Despite the bitter cold, New Zealand continues to produce pleasantries. We are rolling into final exams pretty soon, school is finishing up, yadda yadda yadda. We celebrated the Queen's Birthday for the first time by dressing up as seamen and drinking on Emma's parent's tab at her 21st birthday party. Fun time. Mount Hutt, the local ski slope, opened last weekend and we hope to take advantage of the fun to be had with our season passes in the coming days. The ninja turtles will be working double time with all the shredding we plan to do. That's about it for now.

Pirate Party NZ style

Emma's birthday party. Pretty fun. I am dressed as a pirate (on the boring side, I know) and Travis as Steve Zissou from The Life Aquatic.

Climbing the Mount

We flew up to the North Island this weekend for our friend Emma's 21st birthday party. We got to hang out with our friend Jess on Friday and the three of us hiked up to the top of beautiful Mount Maunganui.

Climbing the Mount

Removing the car from the Bougen's fense

Poor Sam forgot the parking break and the car rolled down the Bougen's driveway crashing into a fence and cement column. No one hurt, only Donna and Dale's love for their only son.

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